Academic Essays
These peer-reviewed pieces have appeared as articles in academic journals, chapters in edited collections of essays, or as posts on peer-reviewed blogs. Click on the title of each essay for further details.
Kiryu: Cyborg Reincarnation and Rebel Monstrosity in the Millennium Mechagodzilla Duology
In: Creature Redux, ed. by Samantha Baugus and Ayanni C. H. Cooper. University of Mississippi Press, 2025.
How Popular Culture Launders Torture
In: The Long Road to Closing Guantanamo: Action, Accountability and Justice, ed. by Sara Birch, Richard Kotter, Hugh Sandeman and Andy Worthington. Ethics Press, 2025.
Target Confirmed: Drone Visuality, Dehumanization, and the Weeping Soldier in Eye in the Sky
In: War Faces on Screen, ed. by Mani Sharpe and Katy Parry. Bloomsbury, 2025.
The Ticking Bomb Drone Strike: Drone Warfare and Emergency Ethics in Eye in the Sky
In: Human Rights in the Age of Drones: Critical Perspectives on Post-9/11 Literature, Film and Art, ed. by Muhammad Waqar Azeem. Palgrave, 2025.
​The Blackness of the Beast: Godzilla in the Heart of Darkness
Revista De Estudios Norteamericanos [Journal of American Studies] 28 (December 2024): Special Section: Darkness in the American Audiovisual Imagination, pp. 5-35.
An essay about colour, intertextuality, and political sovereignty in Godzilla 1954 and Godzilla 2014.​​​​​​
Introduction: Militarisation and Pleasure​
Culture, Theory and Critique 64.1-2 (2023): Militarisation and Pleasure, pp. 1-18.
First online publication: 10/10/2024.
Introductory essay co-authored with Amy Gaeta.
The Colour of Monstrosity in Godzilla 2014 and Godzilla Vs Kong
PopMeC Peer-reviewed Blog, 17/8/2023.
Reflections on the aesthetic role of colour in two MonsterVerse Godzilla movies, Godzilla 2014 and Godzilla Vs Kong (2021).
Blame the War, Not the Troops: Good Kill
Journal of War and Culture Studies 15.4 (2022): Special Issue on the Aesthetics of Drone Warfare, pp. 408-424.
A critique of 2014 drone movie Good Kill.
The Report and the Task of Critique: Torture, Exposure, and the Spectacle of Accountability
Quarterly Review of Film and Video 39.7 (2022), pp. 1619-1633.
First online publication: 19/8/2021.
A critique of the anti-torture politics of 2019 thriller The Report.
Rebel Inc., Colonialism Simulator
First Person Scholar Peer-reviewed Blog. 27/7/2022.
A critique of the colonial logics of 2018 video game Rebel Inc.
Journal of Film and Video 73.3 (2021), pp.23-33.
A critique of the anti-torture politics of 2014 thriller Camp X-Ray.
Graner’s Laugh: The Conceptual Architecture of a Guantanamo Rape Joke
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 44.1 (2018), pp. 107-130.
A close reading of a prison rape joke in Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay.
Knowing the Double Agent: Islam, Uncertainty, and the Fragility of the Surveillant Gaze in Homeland
In: Surveillance, Race, Culture.
Edited by Antonia Mackay and Susan Flynn
(London: Palgrave, 2018), pp. 125-143.
A critique of the Islamophobia and racism of Homeland, with an emphasis on the show's representation of surveillance.
‘The Sweet Tang of Rape’: Torture, Survival, and Masculinity in Ian Fleming’s Bond Novels
Feminist Theory 18.2 (2017), pp. 137-158.
An argument about the parallels between torture and seduction in Ian Fleming's Bond novels.
Guantanamo Boy and the Task of Critique
The Lion and the Unicorn 40.3 (2016), pp. 245-261.
A critical reading of the anti-torture position of Young Adult novel Guantanamo Boy.
Terrorism as Sexual Envy: Adversarial Masculinities in Two Fictions of Ticking Bomb Torture
In: Terrorist Transgressions: Gender and the Visual Culture of the Terrorist.
Edited by Sue Malvern and Gabriel Koureas
(London: IB Tauris, 2014), pp. 181-201.
A reading of the economy of masculinity in the torture scenes in The Centurions and 24.